Law of Attraction is Vital

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What is the Law of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction is actually very important. It is actually reasons for everything. What the law is implying is, “Our experiences entice us and therefore only that, which we think about – whether wanted or unwanted”. Which means whatever we furnish our energy, attention or focus, will in the end be attracted to us.

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Law of Attraction Guidelines

The Law Of No Assertion states that “No one and not a thing may promise anything into our experience that is not a match to our vibration”. Which means that nobody or nothing, (including “God”, fate, acquaintances, relatives, governments, total strangers, tsunamis, star signs etc) could cause us to experience something that does not echo with what we’re thinking. law of attraction

An additional way of expressing this law (putting it in terms more directly in-line with the language of modern physics) is the Law Of Alternate Realities – “We choose which reality to walk into by the stuff we give our energy levels, focus and attention”. This last version appeals to me – but pick which ever version suits you – each of them mean the same thing – we construct our own reality.

Now let us think a little bit more on that “whether wanted or unwanted” part from the Law Of Attraction earlier mentioned.

All humans have an Emotional Scale. To easily simplify, we either feel good or we feel bad. If we are not feeling good, then what we’re including within our thoughts is usually what we do not want. The Emotional Scale runs from Depression-Grief-Fear-Anger-Frustration-Annoyance-Boredom Where we’re pondering what we do not want by way of Contentment-Interest-Happiness-Excitement-Passion-Ecstasy where we’ve been thinking about what we DO want.

To put it yet another way – the Universe hears no negatives. Therefore, if we are scared that something can happen, we’re attracting it. Nothing – nada – zilch – is a lot more crucial than feeling good. Our “work” therefore is to direct ourselves towards the place from which we center on what we want – to maneuver ourselves up the scale from:

Certainty -> Confidence -> Optimism -> Hope -> Worry.

The more we are able to move >>> to the right hand end of the scale, the faster we can manifest what we actually need.

So exactly what we’re allocating our time wondering about is very important. And so is how we’re thinking about it. For every topic, we have a reverberating point of attraction. If you’d like to find out where you stand on any topic, look around. What you’re going through is where you are resonating.

For a minute, decide on a topic upon which you’d like a little change in your lifestyle. For example – say money. Is your primary reaction “not enough”? Every time something you’d like-to-have flashes into your awareness, is the like to have instantly drowned out by can’t-afford-it? You may even work yourself into a feeling of exhilarating anticipation?

Where would taking action by doing things really fit into all this? Well first off we have to comprehend what I refer to as the BE-DO-HAVE™ principle.

In the world I was raised in, action was very important. It didn’t matter whether I truly wanted to make it work, or felt like doing it – I needed the self-discipline to achieve it anyhow. With a strategy of working hard and being fortunate enough to be in the right spot at the right time, maybe things would end up OK. Well in accordance with the Law Of Attraction, that is all hogwash. There’s no such thing as “luck”, and there are not any “accidents”. We just can’t grab what we want through our actions we take.

However yet the world is wonderfully orchestrated. It always responds to our thoughts and always has us in the right place at the right time. To take advantage of this, we have to turn back the process – to Be-Do-Have.

If we can see/feel/imagine ourselves where we want to BE, then we will be motivated to DO the things that will grant us to HAVE all that we want.

Therefore – if we look at the way productive people order their everyday lives, you will find that many directly acknowledge this Law Of Attraction. Others, as you begin to see the standards they live by, naturally take advantage of it. That is they clearly order their everyday lives in accordance with its principles. Also, you will find legions of books on this subject – either directly acknowledging the Law Of Attraction, or giving principles and procedures that are in line with it. In summary, what they all say is – spend time imagining what you dream about like wealth, how to lose weight, happiness and it’ll appear.

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