Losing Weight After Pregnancy in the Quickest Way

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Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Have you ever wondered about losing weight after pregnancy? During pregnancy period women are prone to eat a lot of foods which may make them gain a lot of weight. Now that your little one is safely in your arms, you may be looking for easy ways to lose that unwanted weight that you may have gained during the period when you were pregnant. How much weight you gained during your pregnancy will determine the number of pounds you will need to lose to regain your pre-pregnancy figure.

lose weight after pregnancy

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How to Lose Pregnancy Belly

After giving birth, women naturally lose between 12 1/2 to 14 pounds from the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. During the immediate postpartum period, additional weight loss occurs as women shed retained fluids. However, the fat that was stored during pregnancy does not vanish on its own and will require work to lose.

The fact is that there is no easy way to lose weight, and it become even harder when you have just given birth. The reality is that there is nothing that can stop you from losing weight fast if you are ready to work hard for the next few weeks. You just need to keep working at it and remain patient until you see results. Keep in mind that losing weight after pregnancy is straightforward when you’re conscious just what rules it is advisable to follow!

Average Time to Lose Baby Weight

Proper diet and exercise are essential to lose weight and losing weight after pregnancy is no different. By observing a few simple techniques, easy weight loss after pregnancy is possible.

Six Easy Ways to losing weight after pregnancy

1. Breastfeed of your newborn baby- There are numerous benefits to breastfeeding. Along with providing your baby with immunities to disease and all the vitamins and nutrients she needs, studies have shown that breastfeeding mothers typically lose more weight than mothers who formula feed. If you want to lose fat stores, breastfeeding is ideal because you will burn an additional 500 calories per day.

2. Make Healthy Food Choices- There are numerous low-fat alternatives to food items you consume daily. Choose 2% or skim milk instead of whole milk and low-fat cheeses in place of whole milk cheeses. When grocery shopping, select leaner cuts of beef and pork and prepare poultry without the skin.

how to lose belly fat after pregnancy

3. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand-
Now the first step you need to take to lose weight is to start eating right. Believe me there is no way around eating healthy foods. 80% of the results that you achieve are down to the foods that you consume. Stop eating crappy junk foods and instead replace it with plenty of apples. Replace junk foods with more vegetables and organic meats. Make sure that every meal that you have has a portion of vegetables and a piece of meat.
To resist snacking on junk food, keep healthy, low-fat snacks on hand like raisins, unbuttered popcorn, pretzels, whole grain crackers, and nuts.

4. Begin a Fitness Routine- When you feel physically ready, include exercise into your daily routine. For optimum health, it is recommended that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Moderate exercises include walking (100 steps per minute), jogging on a treadmill, bike riding, gardening, and ballroom or line dancing.

average time to lose baby weight


Walking is another excellent exercise you can do that doesn’t take any equipment (except for maybe a stroller or pram) and can be very enjoyable, especially since it’s something you can do with your baby. Just make it a point to get out and walk for up to an hour a day to begin easily losing weight after baby. You don’t have to do the hour all at once, either. Just get out and enjoy the fresh air, you can break up the hour into smaller segments. And be a proud mom pushing your new baby in your pram or stroller.
Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises involve pulling your pelvic and other related internal muscles “up and in.” After birth as everything has been a “little” stretched and the muscles may be loose these exercises are especially important.

To do Kegel exercises properly, when you are going to the bathroom sometime, try practicing starting and stopping urine flow. If you can do this, you’ve found and can properly use your Kegel muscles. It’s not a good idea to stop your urine flow routinely, but it’s an excellent way to practice a few times while you are learning where your Kegels are, how to exercise them, and how to “pull up and in”correctly.

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Other things are not difficult for you to do so long as you know what you are doing. With an empty bladder, lie down on the floor, flat on your back, and pull up and in, just as if you were stopping urine flow, hold the contraction for three to four seconds, and release. You can do this at least 10 times in a single exercise activity and as many as possible in a day. Kegels can also be done while you are sitting, which means they’re very convenient to do when you’re waiting in traffic, at your desk, etc., several times a day.

5. Replace Sugar-Filled Beverages with Water- By simply substituting water for high-calorie beverages (sodas and juices) you can substantially decrease your daily caloric intake. Drinking plenty of water is also essential to weight loss. If your body is not well hydrated, it will not burn fat effectively.

6. Make Fewer Trips to Fast Food Restaurants- Fast food is notoriously fat laden. If you were to eat a fast food hamburger and a large fry, you would consume approximately 43 grams of fat! Only 20 to 30% of your daily caloric intake should be derived from fat.

how to lose pregnancy belly

Most importantly, be patient and give yourself time to reclaim your pre-pregnancy figure. It will not happen overnight. If you gained the recommended 22 to 30 pounds during your pregnancy, it is likely that you will arrive at your pre-pregnancy weight around 6 to 12 months after giving birth. By following the tips for faster weight loss after pregnancy listed above, you will lose those additional stubborn baby pounds while remaining healthy in the process.

Losing Weight After Pregnancy Conclusion

You could make plans to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight somewhere around 6 to 12 months following the delivery. The majority of females drop 50% of their pregnancy weight by 6 weeks after giving birth. The remainder typically drops off within the next few months. A balanced and healthy diet with daily workouts should help you in reducing the extra weight.