How To Lose Weight By Drinking Green Tea

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Green Tea And Weight Loss

Green Tea And Weight Loss

How to lose weight by drinking Green tea. Can it be done? In this article you will learn all about the health benefits of it and if it aids in weight loss. Let’s get started.

Green tea has a lot of health benefits, but it can also be used as an effective tool to help you lose weight. Green tea contains antioxidants called Catechins that have been shown to boost metabolism and fat burning, which helps reduce body fat percentage, weight, and waist size. Drinking green tea also makes people feel full so they eat less, which helps them lose weight over time!

Types Of Green Tea

Green tea comes in two major forms: Camellia Sinensis and Camellia Assamica. The former is what most people associate with green tea and should be your choice for weight loss because it’s been around for a long time, it contains more Catechins than other types of tea, and its taste is smoother. It’s often used to flavor black teas.

The latter was developed in India, but it’s less common than camellia Sinensis and thought to have lower levels of antioxidants. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should totally rule out Camellia Assamica; if you like its taste (it can be quite strong), give it a try.

Benefits Of Green Tea

There are many potential benefits to drinking green tea on a regular basis. Here are some of them:

Boosts metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories), especially during exercise.

Prevents osteoporosis and certain cancers (including colorectal cancer).

Decreases inflammation in blood vessels

Reduces risk of heart disease and stroke

Improves skin health, including reducing acne

Drinking green tea is not a miracle solution for weight loss, but it can help promote healthy habits that lead to sustained weight loss. If you want to lose weight through healthy methods and not fad diets, drinking green tea is something you should consider doing.

One caveat: Be careful about how much sugar you add when making your cup of green tea.

How Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?

You’ve probably heard of green tea, and chances are you know it’s loaded with antioxidants. What you may not know is that drinking a few cups of green tea each day could help you lose weight.

Green tea suppresses your appetite, which could keep you from eating more calories than your body needs, resulting in weight loss. Drinking green tea may also speed up your metabolism and boost your energy levels, allowing you to exercise more often.

If you’re trying to shed pounds and want to try green tea for weight loss, start slowly; consuming too much can give you upset stomach or diarrhea. Drink just one cup a day until your body adjusts to its effects before gradually increasing consumption if desired.

Click here to watch the video on Tea Burn

Tips For Losing Weight With Green Tea

Tips for losing weight with green tea

Green tea is an increasingly popular beverage around the world. Traditionally, green tea has been used to help with weight loss. Green tea is effective for weight loss for a variety of reasons. Drink 4-5 cups of green tea per day to accelerate your weight loss.

Here are some tips on how to make sure you’re drinking healthy and safe green tea that can help you with your weight loss goals !

Follow these directions to ensure maximum absorption:

Boil water, allow water to cool slightly, place tea bag in water (hint: when using loose leaf teas pour water over leaves directly into your cup or pot), leave bag in boiling water for 3-4 minutes; remove bag, use strainer if desired to remove all leaves from liquid, add any additives (lemon juice if desired), drink while hot and enjoy!

Typically 1 cup is 1 serving which means you could drink 2-3 servings per day depending on your personal preference. Since tea only contains calories from naturally occurring sugars/carbohydrates there’s no need to worry about nutrient information. However many companies also add sugar or honey so always be careful about what brands you purchase!

Any Potential Side Effects?

Drinking green tea may cause your body to become more sensitive to caffeine. If you’re not a coffee drinker, however, you’ll probably be just fine. For those who are heavy coffee drinkers or those who are trying to avoid it because of its adverse effects on sleep and heart health, then they might have problems with it.

It’s also important to note that green tea comes with many of caffeine’s benefits and risks. So even if you get all of its potential side effects out of it, there are still some serious risks associated with consuming too much caffeine regularly.

Caffeine Content In Green Tea

There’s nothing surprising about green tea’s caffeine content. The stimulant is responsible for a lot of tea’s benefits, including more energy and metabolism boosting effects.

In fact, in one study conducted at Imperial College London, researchers discovered that drinking 4-5 cups of green tea a day was linked to an increase in calorie burn of between 100 and 200 calories per day.

Green tea gets its caffeine from a substance called guaranine, which is also found in other plants such as vanilla beans and yerba mate.

Green Tea Advantages

Green tea boosts metabolism, burns fat and increases energy levels. Green tea is high in antioxidants, and Catechins, a type of antioxidant that can speed up your metabolism. One study found that drinking five cups of green tea each day led to a loss of about four pounds over 12 weeks.

That’s an average weight loss of one pound per week, much more than you would lose by cutting out coffee or beer for an afternoon, for example. Because Catechins reduce your level of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), drinking green tea may also be useful for people at risk of heart disease.

How To Lose Weight By Drinking Green Tea Conclusion

Green tea is often lauded as a weight loss wonder, but there are actually very few scientific studies on whether or not it’s true. Part of the confusion comes from mixed messages from different kinds of research.

They discovered how in one study green tea was found to boost metabolism by 4%, and another showed that it had no effect at all. But before you get too excited about losing weight with green tea or chugging down cups every day.

Check out the world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent pending formula, that when combined with tea, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism. While instantly boosting your health, energy and well-being at the same time.

Click here to watch the video on Tea Burn