Morning Exercise Routines to Boost Your Metabolism

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The Best Morning Exercise Routines to Boost Your Metabolism

Are you looking for morning exercise routines to get your day started right?

When life gets hectic, we often neglect our personal health and well-being. Taking care of our health, on the other hand, should be at the top of everyone’s priority list.

People are frequently discouraged from maintaining a fitness regimen due to the length of most workouts. They are more likely to stay committed and motivated to exercise daily for a longer period of time if the workouts are only half an hour or less.

Morning Exercise Routines

Morning Exercise Routines Introduction

Your metabolism, or metabolic rate, refers to the rate at which your body burns calories and stores energy from the food you eat. It doesn’t burn as many calories when you’re sleeping as it does when you’re awake, so if you want to increase your metabolic rate to speed up weight loss, morning exercise routines are going to be your best bet.

The following six exercises will not only help you burn calories now, but also put your body in fat-burning mode over the next 24 hours.

Do Some Light Cardio

If you’re looking for a way to burn calories in a relatively short period of time, do some light cardio. This can be as simple as taking a brisk 15-minute walk, or jumping on an elliptical machine at your gym.

The key is that it should make you break a sweat and get your heart rate up. If you haven’t exercised in awhile, start off with 10 minutes and build from there. After exercising, hit up your local smoothie shop and get a green drink in you.

It will help boost your metabolism and give you some extra energy before getting back to your day.

Set Your Alarm Clock Earlier

It’s easier said than done, but if you force yourself to get up a little earlier every day, you can gradually build up your morning workout routine. Many studies have shown that exercising in the morning, before breakfast, burns more calories than exercising at any other time of day and it’s thought that early-morning exercise boosts metabolism even more.

The reason: Exercise revs up your body’s energy demands and causes your metabolism to burn faster all day long. Experts say that if you want to maintain an increased metabolism throughout most of your waking hours (which will help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight), start by getting out of bed a few minutes earlier each day and building on that goal.

Do Some Dynamic Stretching

do some stretching

Dynamic stretching is a great way to boost your metabolism by preparing your body for activity. If you usually hit snooze on your alarm, put your exercise clothes on before you get out of bed so that when it’s time to move, you won’t be tempted back into slumberland.

Just 15 minutes of movement in bed can help speed up your resting metabolism, meaning more calories burned even when sitting or sleeping. Another benefit of dynamic stretching is improved circulation and flexibility.

We often overlook these parts of our health in our day-to-day routines, but they’re absolutely crucial: flexibility helps us avoid injuries while circulation pushes oxygen throughout our bodies.

Engage in a Light, Full-Body Workout

Many people try to jump right into high-intensity workouts in an attempt to get a quick metabolic boost. However, it’s not always best to start with a high intensity workout as it can be hard on your body and lead you to injury or exhaustion.

To prevent injury and boost your metabolism while getting in shape, incorporate a light full-body workout that’s more aerobic than anaerobic.

Examples of effective exercise routines include walking at 4 mph for 20 minutes, swimming for 45 minutes and climbing stairs for 30 minutes. These types of exercises will help burn fat, increase lean muscle mass and boost your metabolism in no time at all.

Take Cold Showers

Showering in cold water kicks your body into gear and boosts your metabolism by over 50% for up to two hours after your shower. If you have time, take an ice cold shower first thing in the morning; it will wake you up, boost your energy and get you primed for a productive day.

Even if you don’t have time, just turn down the hot water and jump under lukewarm for a few minutes – this trick works just as well. It’s also been shown that taking a cold bath lowers stress levels, making it easier to think clearly throughout your day. The best part? You can still grab a warm towel and enjoy all of these benefits without leaving home.

Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is a no-brainer for weight loss. During sleep, your body recharges and clears out toxins that can increase your risk of weight gain. And getting enough Zzz’s also means you’re less likely to indulge in high-calorie cravings when you’re awake, according to researchers at Ohio State University.

In a study there, dieters who slept an average of eight hours a night lost nearly twice as much weight as those who got less than five hours of sleep a night.

 Morning Exercise Routines Final Thoughts

How we begin our day has a huge impact on how successful we are in our job and personal life. If you’re not getting enough exercise, you may feel sluggish, unorganized, and stressed out all day long.

So why wait until after work to get fit? Start your morning off right with these great morning exercise routines that will boost your metabolism and get you ready for a productive day! By nightfall, it won’t seem so hard to get up early—you’ll be energized by what you’ve accomplished during the day.

Remember: You might not like working out in the morning now, but once you see results of improved energy levels and productivity throughout your entire day, you’ll definitely change your mind.