Weight Loss Solutions For Women – Most Effective Methods

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Weight Loss Solutions For Women

Are you interested in learning new weight loss solutions for women? Want to shed some extra weight but have no idea of where you should start? Losing weight can be quite a challenging and time consuming process that requires your utmost dedication if you intend to achieve your target weight.

In addition to adopting a healthy diet, you will also need to come up with an effective exercise routine and most importantly change your lifestyle to fit your weight loss goals.

To get you started on the right foot and help improve your chances of losing the weight you are targeting here is a list of some of the most effective weight loss solutions for women.

weight loss tips for women

How to Lose Weight

Plan For Success

The first step towards achieving your weight loss goals involves creating a plan for success. Here are some solutions on how you can chart your way to success.

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Set Goals You Can Attain

You can get more out of your weight loss efforts by having specific goals to work towards. As such, it is recommended that you set SMART goals to enhance your chances of shedding those extra pounds.

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. This means that if you wish to shed a given number of pounds, you should break this goal to a number of smaller, more attainable goals. These might be anything from specifying the number of times you should go to the gym, coming up with a way to track progress, increasing your veggie intake by adding them to every meal, etc.

Food Journal

You can make healthier decisions and hold yourself accountable by using a food journal to keep track of what you eat. If counting calories is also part of your weight loss strategy, you can also use a food journal to do so; and get a better chance of ending up with a better outcome.

With time, using the journal can help you lose even more weight and bring you closer to attaining the goals you set at the beginning.

Watch What You Eat

Adopting a healthy diet is essential when it comes to losing weight. Read on below to find out what you should eat and what you need to steer clear of to reach your goals.


foods high in protein

You can improve your health and enhance your rate of losing weight by adding more proteins to your diet. Meat, eggs, legumes, seafood and dairy are all considered to be high in protein and should form a big part of your weight loss diet.

So, how exactly do proteins help you lose more weight? These foods have been found to help you feel fuller for longer, enhance your metabolism rate and reduce cravings. A faster metabolism rate helps you burn more calories, which when combined with a lower intake of calories helps you shed more weight, faster.


Carbs are an essential part of any energizing, balanced diet. However, when adding carbs to your diet, be sure to make a healthy decision by choosing wholegrain foods such as barley, brown rice, buckwheat, oats and quinoa among others.

The above healthy options have a higher composition of fiber and micro-nutrients as compared to refined carbs such as prepackaged foods, pasta and white bread which have had their nutritional and fiber content significantly stripped down. These refined carbs should be avoided as they are known to increase belly fat and blood sugar and overall body weight.


Did you know that drinking more water can help you shed some extra pounds? Your body burns 30 percent more calories thirty to forty minutes after you drink about 500ml of water.

Furthermore, drinking water just before a meal can help you reduce the amount of calories absorbed by about 13 percent. Simply put, drinking more water has to be one of the easiest ways through which you can lose more weight!


Holding all other factors of your diet constant, adding about 14g more of fiber to your daily intake can help you lose up to 4.2 pounds in less than 4 months by decreasing the consumption of calories by 10 percent.

Consuming a fiber rich diet helps you lose weight by making you feel fuller for longer as the food you eat remains in your stomach for longer.

Some of the best sources of fiber you should consider adding to your daily diet include vegetables, fruits, seeds, legumes, whole grains and nuts among others.

Healthier Snacking

You can boost your rate of losing weight by being smart about how you snack and what you snack on. Snacks are used to keep hunger pangs away and maintain energy levels in between meals.

Choosing fiber and/or protein rich snacks can be a great way of curbing cravings and ensuring that you feel fuller for longer until your next meal.

Some healthy snack options you can consider include Greek yogurt with nuts, vegetables with hummus and a fruit and nut butter combination among others.

Eat A Heavy Breakfast

You can reduce your risk of over eating by eating a healthy breakfast each morning that will keep you feeling full until the next meal of your day. Consuming a healthy breakfast will also help get you energized for the upcoming day.

According to research findings, consuming a protein rich diet can help you counter the production of the hunger inducing hormone, ghrelin; helping keep your hunger under control.

Probiotic Supplements

You can add probiotics to your diet to lose weight and improve the health of your gut. Probiotics, which are known to help increase the amount of fat released from the gut, can be consumed in the form of food or supplements.

One of the most effective strains of probiotics when it comes to promoting weight loss by reducing belly fat is Lactobacillus gasseri.

Refined Foods

Even as you add the above foods to your everyday diet, you should decrease your consumption of refined foods as they are known to lead to weight gain especially in women.

Added Sugars

You should also strive to cut back on any foods or beverages that contain added sugars. This will not only help you avoid gaining weight but will also reduce your risk of developing associated health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Watch How You Eat

Even with the right diet, you will need to watch how you eat to successfully lose those extra pounds. Here are some weight loss solutions for women revolving around how you eat.

Smaller Portions

smaller portions

You can consume fewer calories and lose more weight by eating smaller portions. You can do this by using smaller plates instead of normal sized plates. With smaller plates you also get to control your portions better and hence reduce your likelihood of overeating.

According to research findings, people who use smaller plates usually eat less and are likely to feel fuller than those who use regular sized plates.

Fast Intermittently

When it comes to weight loss fasting intermittently, for a given period each day, is as effective as cutting calories. You can increase the amount of calories the body burns while at rest by increasing the rate of metabolism as a result.

A typical fasting period covers 14 to 24 hours.

Mindful Eating

Practicing mindful eating can help you reduce the amount of food you eat, and with it, the number of calories consumed with each meal. This is because eating slowly has been observed to leave people feeling fuller.

Mindful eating involves taking your time to enjoy the appearance, taste, smell and texture of the food you are eating. During your meals, you are supposed to focus on your food and minimize distractions from external stuff.

Chew Slower For Longer

On top of mindful eating, it has been observed that chewing your food more times can actually help you reduce your calorie intake. The longer and more you chew your food the lower the amount of calories you are bound to consume.

Work Out More

Exercise is essential to any effective weight loss plant. The following are some of the most effective weight loss solutions for women in relation to exercising.



Increasing your heart rate, through aerobic/cardio exercises, helps you burn more calories moving you closer to your weight loss goals. To get the most out of your cardio workouts, it is important that you combine it with an effective weight loss diet.

To ensure that your cardio work out raises your heart rate significantly, it is recommended that you spend between 20 and 40 minutes every day, or 150 and 300 minutes each week.

Resistance Training

You can increase the amount of calories that your body burns while at rest by adding resistance training to your exercise routine. Resistance training not only boosts endurance levels and enhances the development of lean muscle tissue but also prevents osteoporosis- making it great or older women past the age of 50.

You can perform body weight exercises, use gym equipment or lift weights, to get started on weight training.

High Intensity Interval Training

You can burn more calories and shed more weight by engaging in high intensity interval training (HIIT) instead of cardio a few times a week. HIIT entails engaging in repeated bursts of intense training separated by short intervals of recovery. This helps keep your heart rate elevated better than cardio can.

Since HIIT has been observed to help burn more calories and belly fat than popular activities such as biking and resistance training, it can help you reach your weight loss goals much faster.

Increase Your Step Count

You might find that you do not have enough time to hit the gym and workout every other day given your busy daily schedule. During such days, you can add more steps to your routine to raise your heart rate, and with it, continue to burn more calories.

This can be surprisingly effective considering the fact that up to 50 percent of the calories burnt your body burns per day are associated with non-exercise activities.

To burn more calories by increasing the number of steps you take during your day try walking during your lunch break, ditching your car and walking or short distances or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

Make Some Important Lifestyle Changes

Here are some of the lifestyle changes you can make to increase your chances of reaching your weight loss goals.

Sleep Better

sleep better

You will have a better chance of achieving your weight loss goals by getting better sleep on a regular basis. Sleep has been observed to be as important to weight loss as exercise and proper dieting.

Ghrelin, the hunger hormone increases with sleep deprivation. This means that failing to get enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to an increase in weight.

In women, study findings show that getting quality sleep on a regular basis is around seven hours each night and can help increase your weight loss success rate by thirty three percent.

Reduce Stress Levels

You can lower stress levels by listening to music, exercising, spending time with close friends or family and practicing yoga.

This way you can be able to curb the urge to binge and overeat as a result of stress; and as such, avoid gaining weight as a result.


You can practice yoga as a way to increase the rate at which your body burns calories; ultimately getting you closer to your weight loss goals. High levels of stress and anxiety are linked with emotional eating, which often leads to weight gain. Practicing yoga can help you reduce anxiety and stress levels.

Prepare Your Own Food

To ensure that you are always ready with some healthy food on hand when the hunger strikes, it is best that you prepare your own food, preferably in advance. This will ensure that you don’t have to eat unhealthy alternatives when the hunger strikes and you are just too tired or busy to prepare something healthy.

Don’t Give Up

At one point or the other, your weight loss is bound to plateau, after a promising start even though you are doing everything right. This happens to everyone, the trick is to stay true to your weight loss strategy and to avoid getting derailed by feelings of disappointment.

With the above weight loss solutions for women in mind, and in practice, shedding those extra pounds will be less of a challenge; however, you will still need to put in a lot of work.

Weight Loss Solutions For Women

A number of factors play a role in losing weight and some extend way past exercising and dieting.

Setting up a few simple adjustments to your way of life could help promote long lasting weight loss for women.

Adding even a couple of of these tips into your day to day routine can help maximize results and promote healthy, maintainable weight loss. These are our best weight loss solutions for women to get healthy.

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