3 Habits That Make Losing Weight Effortless

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If You Had These 3 Habits, Your Weight Loss Would Be Effortless

changing your lifestyle

Are you interested in discovering 3 habits that make losing weight effortless? This article will get you on your way. Read on to see what you need to do to start dropping those unwanted pounds.

Do you want to know how to make losing weight, no matter how much, as easy as brushing your teeth? Do you dread brushing your teeth when you wake up in the morning or when you go to bed at night? I remember how much I disliked having to brush my teeth as a child, but it is no longer something I consider. I simply do it.

Consider how much easier it would be if losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight were something you did naturally. Not something that stresses you out, irritates you, and makes you wonder, “Why are other people so lucky to not have to deal with this?”

Let’s face it, “having to lose a couple of pounds,” whether it’s a few or in the three digits, isn’t like saying, “Yeah, I won the lottery, what fun.” Having to lose weight can quickly become an overwhelming event that bothers you all the time, erodes your self-confidence, is hazardous to your health, and, to top it all off, undermines your love life.

So, let’s go back to when I was a kid and brushing my teeth. I used to despise brushing my teeth, but then something changed. It wasn’t until I stopped fighting brushing my teeth and accepted that it was a very important thing for me to do that everything changed.

Brushing my teeth quickly became a habit that I did without even thinking about it in the morning and at night. My reaction to having to brush my teeth did not change, but my reaction to having to brush my teeth did, and it made all the difference.

So, how does this relate to weight loss? What if there are three actions you can take that, once they become habits, will make your weight loss natural and you won’t even have to think about it? You will become the person who everyone envies, with everyone asking, “Why is it so easy for him/her to look so great?”

Is it worth it to incorporate these three new behaviors into your daily routine if they promise effortless weight loss that you don’t even have to think about?

What if those 3 habits that make losing weight effortless result in excellent health?

I must warn you that there will be some discomfort in forming these habits, simply because you are accustomed to not doing them. Typically, people label this as difficult when, in reality, it simply feels different because it is new.

Feeling different, on the other hand, is a good thing. That means you’re evolving and stepping into a new chapter of your life. Are you prepared to learn what those actions are? They aren’t earth shattering, but you can’t avoid them, and unless you accept them and make them a habit, you’ll be fighting natural laws and struggling for the rest of your life.

effortless weight loss

Finally, those three actions are consistent exercise, healthy eating and stress reduction. Simple? Yes, but bear with me. Imagine if you did these three things on a regular basis and they became habits. We’re talking about doing the things listed above without thinking about it or feeling deprived.

3 Habits That Make Losing Weight Effortless Thoughts

It’s easy to say that losing weight will be effortless; however, the only real impediment is turning those actions into habits. Unfortunately, we were not taught a systematic method for destroying old habits and forming strong new ones.

I invite you to put an end to your struggle against the natural laws of the human body. To achieve long term results, it will all come down to consistent exercise, healthy eating, and stress reduction. Make those simple actions a habit and your weight loss struggles will be over.

Proper Planning For Successful Weight Loss

There should always be a plan in place before acting on any problem we encounter. That is, if we want to achieve positive results. You wouldn’t want to go into a battle without knowing how to defeat your opponent, would you? Attempting a task without planning is akin to building a house without a blueprint or playing basketball against a team without pre-planned plays with your teammates. How could you possibly hope for a positive outcome?

Weight loss is not dissimilar to the previously mentioned plan necessary situations. It also entails taking appropriate actions that must be meticulously planned in order to produce satisfactory results. Here are the four essential elements for making your weight loss plan a success.

Setting a Goal:

Okay, so your weight is about 20% higher than what is considered normal for your height. You eat more than 5 regular meals per day. You’re certain you’re obese or at the very least overweight. Now the question is, where do you want to be in terms of weight?

Setting a goal is the first step in weight loss planning. Know what you want to achieve. This way, the path you’re on is clear. You can keep track of your progress and see if you’re heading in the right direction. When you have a goal in mind, you are always motivated to complete a task or, in some cases, to begin it.

Be Certain:

When it comes to weight loss, setting a specific goal increases your chances of success. All you need to do is be specific about what you want to happen. Vague goals like “I’d like to be healthier” or “I need to lose a few pounds” often result in half-hearted efforts and poor results.

Instead, state your objective clearly: I want to lose 1 to 2 pounds this week and every week, or I want to reduce my waist size from 40 to 38 by the end of the month. If necessary, write it down and keep it somewhere you will always see and read it. This way, you’ll always be reminded of what you need to do by the end of the month, week, or even day.

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Keep it Realistic:

When deciding on a specific weight loss goal, make sure it is one that you can achieve first. How can a goal like “I’ll lose 15 pounds in a week” be achieved when all of the evidence presented by research suggests that you should only burn 1 to 2 pounds per week?

Goals must be reasonable in order to be achieved. What happens when you set a goal and, no matter how hard you try, you fail to meet it because it was not truly attainable? You will only become depressed and disappointed, both of which are psychological causes of obesity. And the problem becomes a never-ending vicious cycle.


After carefully defining and remembering what you want to achieve with your weight loss efforts, the next step is to plan how to achieve it. Planning entails properly scheduling activities to be done throughout the day for a specific period of time, such as exercises, meals, sleeping, and waking.

It specifies when these activities should be carried out, how long they should last, and, in the case of eating meals, what food should be consumed and in what quantities. This way, inappropriate decisions made on the spur of the moment can be avoided.

A proper and effective weight loss plan includes adequate time for such activities. That is, give yourself enough time to complete the tasks correctly. For example, sleep should be scheduled to last 7 to 8 hours per day so that you can get enough rest.

Sleep deprivation can lead to poor eating habits the next day. Again, plans should be as realistic as possible. Include only the time and activities that you know you can complete in a given amount of time.

Also, once you’ve completed your weight loss plan, you should write it down because you won’t always remember when you’re supposed to do each part of the plan. Put it somewhere you can see and read it every day to remind you of your plans for the day. Try not to skip anything in your planned schedule in order to keep it effective.

3 Habits That Make Losing Weight Effortless Conclusion

Thanks for taking time to read this 3 Habits That Make Losing Weight Effortless article. I hope you were given plenty of information to jump start your weight loss campaign. Remember to get started on your new lifestyle, just change your habits!

As with any diet or exercise plan you are about to start, please consult with your physician for safety. It’s all about living a long and healthy lifestyle.