Yoga For Weight Loss

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Is Yoga Good For Weight Loss?

Yoga originated over 3,000 years ago in India and is originally a Hindu way of thinking that allows you to control your mind, your body and your feelings so that you can achieve a union with God.

The form of yoga that is mainly known in the Western world is Hatha Yoga. This is a sector of Yoga that consists of exercises that aim to control your body. Hatha Yoga mainly consists of physical exercises.

Hatha yoga is mainly used in the West to reduce stress, but in addition, this form of Yoga for weight loss, when applied correctly, has many other positive effects on the body. Since these effects are less known, we will explain the achievements between yoga and weight loss.






Power Yoga For Weight Loss

Yoga is hipper than hip. Many people who want to take a moment of rest, use yoga to get out of their heads and listen to their bodies. Through different postures and breathing exercises, more oxygen will enter the body, the body will become smoother and you will relax.
With an hour of yoga, you do not burn more calories than with an hour in the gym. Yoga can stimulate weight loss.

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Yoga requires physical effort

During the average yoga exercise, you burn an average of 260 calories per hour doing yoga poses for weight loss. This is because your body delivers an hour of effort. 260 calories are roughly equivalent to a one-hour walk. Admittedly, there are more efficient ways to burn calories. But when you look at all the other positive effects that Yoga has on the waste process, 260 calories are not that bad. When you want to lose a lot of weight in the short term, Yoga is not the solution. For this, we would like to refer you to the article crash diet on our site, under the heading burn

Yoga lowers stress

The main reason people start Yoga is that it reduces stress. The fact that Yoga has existed for more than 3000 years and is still gaining popularity worldwide is proof that it really helps.

In addition, there are countless studies that show that Yoga significantly reduces stress. Because Yoga works stress-reducing, it indirectly also ensures that you lose weight faster. Many people, and mainly women develop bad habits that occur when they have stress.

Think of smoking a cigarette, consuming a glass of wine early in the day, but certainly also stressing. This means eating unhealthy food when stress occurs. When you have less stress, you will also reduce stress and achieve weight loss through yoga.

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

Asanas are exercises within yoga that consist of certain body postures or a series of body postures. These postures are often sustained for a while, allowing the muscles to stretch. This requires agility and endurance of the body!

By doing several exercises in succession (like with the sun salutation) physical effort is needed. The body has to work to shape the postures completely and in succession. The heart rate increases and fat burning and circulation are stimulated.

Thyroid gland

Indirectly you can lose weight through yoga because different yoga exercises stimulate organs in the body. One of those organs is the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is inextricably linked to the metabolism and the blood circulation in the body, which in turn have an effect on losing weight.

With Yoga, you grow muscle tissue

By doing Yoga you train muscles in places that you would develop on average with normal sports or normal movement. Think of back muscles, chest muscles, calf muscles, and abdominal muscles. All these extra muscles each burn extra calories, even when you are barely active. The longer you Yoga the stronger the muscles will become and the more calories you burn. In addition to the combustion during the exercises, incineration would also occur in the long term. Realize that you will never become a powerhouse with enormous muscles through Yoga. But that you do develop a streamlined and healthy body. That is why you maintain your body with yoga and you can lose weight with yoga.

Yoga improves breathing

Yoga teaches you to slow down and take a deeper breath, so your lungs absorb more oxygen. Because more oxygen circulates through your body, your body relaxes more. Because there is less stress in your body, fat burning will be more efficient in the long term. In addition, the better absorption of oxygen increases your stamina, allowing you to exercise longer. Because you can maintain your sport for longer, it is likely that you will enjoy it more and that you will exercise more often. And as you know, you fall off by exercising. This way Yoga also indirectly ensures that you lose weight.

Yoga lowers blood pressure

Yoga will calm your body and your mind. This ensures that your heart will start to beat less quickly. Which causes your blood pressure to go down. Lower blood pressure lowers the risk of heart failure and brain hemorrhage. You will also see that exercising is easier with lower blood pressure. This is also the reason that all top athletes have as low a blood pressure as possible.

How to lose weight with Yoga? power yoga for weight loss

If you want to lose weight through yoga, it is important that you do yoga structurally. This means, 1 hour a day, every day. Yoga is an ongoing project and in order to fully benefit from all the positive effects of Yoga, you have to take an hour every day. If you read this way you may doubt whether you can afford the discipline, but once you have started, you will find that you can no longer do without the positive effects of Yoga. That you feel more stable in life, have more rest, you worry less, find peace with yourself and also fall off.

Yoga exercises

There are hundreds of yoga exercises to be found, especially speculate which exercises you like best. We have listed the 2 most popular and most efficient yoga exercises for you:

Take a seat on your knees on your yoga mat with a straight back. Place your hands on your legs. Then breathe in through the nose. Your stomach may move when you inhale. Then exhale explosively through the nose, making sure to keep your abdomen straight in by tipping your abdominal muscles. Then repeat this process 11 times. Take half a minute every 11 times and do a total of 4 respira.

Take place on your butt with your legs straight. Then bend your right knee and place your right foot over your left groin. Do the same with your left knee over your right laps. Straighten your back and relax your shoulders. Finally, place your hands with the palms up on your shoulders. This is a perfect attitude to meditate. Try to maintain this posture for at least a quarter of an hour per session.

These exercises are certainly suitable for beginning Yogis to enter the world of Yoga, to come to themselves and to fall off by Yoga.

Try This 12-week Yoga Burn Challenge – Click Here